A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android

An item has been stolen and only three witnesses were at the scene. You have to interrogate them. You don’t trust them, as the knight commander of the magic institute you’ll never trust them. They’re mages after all.

You're interviewing a frightened mage. Her babbling is insufferable but maybe she has something useful. 

Personal Note:

Hello everyone, this is part one of the three part story for the neo twiny game jam. I submitted a piece of interactive fiction last year and decided to take part this year again but this time trying a visual novel format. I’ve been practicing art for two months now and even though it's not the best I think it’s a good first try.

I’m going to be a bit more active now that I have a lot of time on my hand. My goal is to release a visual novel with more than just five hundred words but that’s in the future. I’ll be submitting any progress I make on my tumblr and then try to submit a month's progress here somewhere beginning in August.

I hope you enjoy the game and have a lovely day.


  • Part Two
  • Part Three





Updated 1 day ago
Published 2 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux, Android
AuthorFragmented Mirror Workshop
GenreVisual Novel
TagsRen'Py, Short


TheFrightened 1.0 (PC Version) 47 MB
The Frightened 1.0 (Mobile Version) 53 MB

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